5 Ways To Utilize Your Kitchen Space


There are 5 ways to utilize your kitchen space. We can make it more spacious, organized, and functionally efficient with these innovative means.

Pull out CabinetsDrawer Systems–Pull out cabinets and drawers help organize and de-clutter the kitchen .  Modern kitchen drawer fittings have transformed cluttered kitchens.

Magic Corners– The kitchen corner is the toughest space to utilize.Whether it’s inside the cabinets or on top of the counter. The magic corner improves the accessibility as you need not bend or kneel to get the things from the corners.

Dish drying rack / Wash casket –Drying racks are ideal for all kitchens.  Having a dish drying rack over the sink makes it very convenient as the waterfalls directly into the sink. It makes the kitchen clutter-free and more organized

Piped Gas (Instead of cylinders to save on space)- If you live in an area where gas pipelines are available, it is better to consider getting a connection as it saves a lot of space and is a safer option it is hassle-free as you need not worry about handling, refilling, and changing of cylinders.

Built-in appliances-Built in appliances are those that are fixed permanently in a place like an oven and dishwasher in the cabinet and a built-in refrigerator that is fixed to its place thus it does not stand out making your kitchen more organized and neat. These are the 5ways to utilize your kitchen space.

 If you are planning for a Modular kitchen, We at Creative build are here to help you utilize your kitchen space in the best possible way, we design and customize each kitchen to your space and needs because your comfort and convenience is paramount to us.

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visit us at www.creativebuild.in

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